The end goal would be to end up with something a simple as a txt file. Software for automatically decoding aptlrpt weather. This software, written in pascal aptget install fpc, is trivially compiled with. By far, the best software to process these binary files is the olegs lrpt offline decoder available for download here. Setup lrpt decoder for meteor mn2 and mn22 the idea is to run 1 lrpt decoder for both meteor satellites and this should reduce the number of settings that must be done when meteor changes operating modes. Meteorgis can manually started in offline mode with a batch file to reprocess meteor mn2 and. M2 lrptdecoder compatible with these functions is above version 50. The rtlsdr and other sdrs like the funcube along with some free software can be used to receive and decode these images. Lrpt suite for meteor m2 under windows 7, 8 and 10. I got a 35mb file out, but when i load it into the offline decoder it doesnt show any thing. Make sure you have libpngdev installed on your system. Find the file that was saved, usually saved in the same directory as the sdrsharp. A new meteor m lrpt image decoder for windows, linux. M2 lrpt decoder compatible with these functions is above version 50.
Lrpt images from the meteorm n2 are transmitted at around 7. Decoding meteorm n2 lrpt satellite weather images trips in tech. Recieving meteor mn2 images in realtime with the qpsk plugin. To use the software you first need to record an iq file of the meteor m2 lrpt signal, downsample the iq file to 140 khz if required, then pass it into the demodulator. Type make in the project root to compile, and make install to install the binary into usrbin. This is a free, opensource lrpt demodulator for the meteorm2 russian weather satellite series.
Decoding meteorm n2 lrpt satellite weather images trips. This software decoder appears to be an excellent choice for those. A subreddit for the lowcost software defined radio sdr community. The lrpt decoder software can now add approximate country boundaries to your image. Change the project sample rate bottom left to be 140000hz amplify effectsamplify the signal only if needed. Prebuilt binary of the software for windows, linux raspberry pi and macos are available at. Does anyone have a copy of olegs lrpt offline decoder. It reads samples from a 8bit softqpsk file and outputs an image displaying the specified apids compiling and installing.
Sign up a portable decoder for meteor m weather satellite lrpt signal. Radio astronomy would come with projects to motorize the mount and findingwriting software to account for rotation of earth more stable hrit feed than my current griddish. So thats sdr sharp set up, we will look at lrpt offline decoder, and smooth meteor later in this. This software decoder appears to be an excellent choice for those people. A new meteor m lrpt image decoder for windows, linux, macos. Lrptdecoder did have the great idea to develop a qpsk plugin in order to. Both orbitron and sdrsharp are standalone programs. A satellite tracking program like orbitron or wxtrack. Lrpt image processor for meteorm n2 data satsignal.
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